How orthotics help reduce back pain.

How Orthotics Help Reduce Back Pain?

Back pain is a severe issue that can create more problems if the root cause is not treated. Nearly 65 million Americans have reported issues with back pain, and 16 million have chronic back pain. This can limit your daily activities, impact your mood, and reduce your quality of life if left untreated. If you have had back pain for more than two weeks, it’s time for medical intervention. One of the most influential and non-invasive methods to treat back pain is custom orthotics. 

Orthotics are specialized shoe inserts that are designed to help reduce back pain and other common injuries. Depending on your needs and preferences, these supports can be custom-made or purchased over the counter. They are unique devices designed to help alleviate back pain by adequately supporting and aligning the body. These inserts can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments, like physical therapy or chiropractic care.

Many different types of orthotics are available, including heel cups, insoles, taping techniques, and knee braces. Each type serves a different purpose: improving posture while standing or walking, providing extra support to a weak joint, or preventing injury from repetitive movements. Below you will find how orthotics help reduce back pain and why you should contact a podiatrist.

Stress Travels Up Your Body’s Kinetic Chain

You’re probably surprised to hear that foot orthotics can help to banish back pain, but the fact is that foot problems often lead to issues further up the body.

Why is that the case? Because when you have poor foot or ankle function, your feet can’t support your weight properly, their shock-absorbing abilities are impaired, and pressure is unevenly distributed across your soles. That leads to an abnormal posture and gait, forcing other body parts to compensate for your feet’s failings. Your back is therefore subjected to more than its fair share of the stress associated with movement.

Feet are at the bottom of what’s known in the medical world as the ‘kinetic chain,’ which links the ankles, knees, hips, spine, etc. It can all too quickly become a chain of pain if issues with your feet – your body’s foundations – have a knock-on effect on other areas.

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Improving The Kinetic Chain

Foot orthotics can help manage low back pain by improving and stabilizing the position of the feet, which in turn improves every aspect of a person’s gait. The feet represent the base of the kinetic chain, and each subsequent joint above the feet can be considered a “link” in the chain—which goes all the way up the trunk of the body to the neck.

During the process of walking, if the feet are pronated or rolled inwards at each step, the rest of the kinetic chain is negatively affected.

Pronated feet cause the knees to come together into a knocked-knee stance, medically known as genu valgus. This also affects the angle of the hip, forcing the femur (thigh bone) to angle inward from the hip, which is medically known as coxa vara. The faulty angulation of the hips and knees then destabilizes the pelvis, which also affects overall posture and the spine.

The use of foot orthotics can theoretically correct foot pronation which can destabilize the knees, pelvis, and low back.

Foot Problems Frequently Linked To Back Pain

Back pain is particularly common among people with the following foot conditions, though any issue that negatively affects your foot and ankle function is a risk factor.

How Custom Orthotics Help Reduce Back Pain

Orthotics can manage back pain as they assist in improving and stabilizing the position of your feet. This can have a ripple effect on your whole body, including your back. As your feet are the base, and each joint above it is linked to the one below it. Therefore, if you have issues with your feet, it will inevitably impact your back and neck if left untreated.

Custom orthotics can be created based on your unique needs. This can help realign your feet to improve your stride, which will positively impact your back. They can reduce your back pain without invasive medical intervention and get you back to living fully. Back pain should not impact your day-to-day activities, as physical independence is important for your mental well-being.

Types of Orthotics to Choose From

There are numerous different types of orthotics constructed from a variety of materials. Regardless of how they are made, they are all designed to improve foot function and minimize the stress that can cause deformity and pain. When an orthotic is made, a cast is made from an impression of the foot.

Any misalignments in the foot show up within the case. In the orthotic lab, the misalignments are corrected with stabilizing techniques and compensation. When the orthotic is completed, it is placed within the patient’s show in order to help keep the foot in proper alignment. Sometimes padding is used to help cushion the foot.

Custom Orthotics And Your Treatment Plan

Back pain often requires a multi-factor approach. In some cases, custom orthotics may be enough. However, you should work closely with the podiatrist as they can provide a variety of treatment options to address your unique needs. Orthotics have consistently been an integral component in treating back pain. Below are some of the most common types of custom orthotics.

  • Rigid Orthotics: These are the most common type of custom orthotics. The orthotics are made of rugged, rigid material. Still, they are the length of your entire foot and are used to stabilize your foot and reduce pain from your foot to your back.
  • Soft Orthotics: This is another type of orthotic that is commonly prescribed. The orthotics are made of soft, compressible material and are the length of your entire foot. The orthotics help relieve pressure from weight-bearing areas on your feet, such as your heel or the balls of your feet.
  • Semirigid Orthotics: This type of orthotic is a combination of both rigid and soft orthotics. They have a hard bottom layer and a soft portion that serves as padding. These are often prescribed to athletes as they provide protection, support, and stability.

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Custom-Made Orthotics Reduce The Strain

Prescribed foot orthotics can benefit people with back pain because they improve foot and ankle function, correcting abnormalities and imbalances. What’s more, they enhance your feet’s proprioception (essentially, their spatial awareness), making you more stable. Your feet and ankles are properly aligned with tailor-made orthotics in your shoes. That takes the strain off your back, helping it to heal.

While orthotics are particularly popular among athletic individuals who frequently put their bodies under great strain, they can also help people from many different walks of life. Our podiatrists can perform a detailed biomechanical assessment, including state-of-the-art, computerized gait analysis. We’ll identify any foot problems that could be causing backache or other issues. We can then prescribe orthotics, designed using imprints of your feet, to help stop the pain.

Our lightweight, high-performance, custom-made orthotics reflect your feet and your specific issues in a way that over-the-counter options never could. They can be inserted into a wide range of shoes, and nobody can see you’re wearing them. You can leave backache behind by visiting our podiatrists and taking back care seriously.

Bottom Line

If you have been struggling with back pain, you are not alone. Millions of Americans experience both short-term and persistent back pain. Still, you should not live with either as it can impact your daily life.

While there is no definitive cure for back pain, orthotics can be a highly effective way of managing it. By providing targeted support to areas that may be affected by back pain, such as the spine or knees, orthotics can help reduce pressure and strain on these regions and minimize discomfort.

If you are experiencing back pain and want to explore your options for reducing or managing it, talk to your doctor about whether orthotics might be right for you. With the right insert or brace, you can help alleviate your symptoms and get back to enjoying your favorite activities.

Artik Medical Supply provides high-quality, long-lasting products. We focus on our client’s needs to find the right solution that aligns with their primary care doctors’ guidance for their rehabilitation process. Do you need pain relief, or are you recovering from an injury or surgery? Connect with us today to check eligibility and see how we can help.

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