Artik Medical Blogs

Health Topics for Informed Choices

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Sprained Ankle? Here’s How to Get Back on Your Feet.


A sprained ankle is a common injury that can happen to anyone, from athletes to everyday individuals. It occurs when the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn, resulting in pain, swelling, and limited mobility. While a sprained ankle can be frustrating and hinder your daily activities, the good news is that you can recover and get back on your feet with the right approach and proper care. This article will guide you through the process of recovering from a sprained ankle, providing you with effective strategies, exercises, and tips to regain mobility and return to your active lifestyle.…

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Hip Pain Relief: Tips for Living Your Best Life


Hip pain can be a debilitating condition that affects your daily activities and quality of life. Fortunately, several strategies and tools are available to help manage hip pain and regain mobility. One such tool is a hip brace, which provides support, stability, and pain relief to the hip joint. In this article, we will explore various tips for hip pain relief, with a focus on the benefits and proper usage of a hip brace.   Understand the Causes of Hip Pain Hip pain can have various causes, and understanding them is crucial in addressing the underlying issue. The common causes…

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How Knee Braces Help Seniors Avoid Injury and Perform Better?

Braces, Knee

Our bodies become more susceptible to injuries and chronic pain as we age. In particular, the knees can be particularly vulnerable to these issues, and seniors may experience a wide range of knee problems, such as osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and other types of joint pain. These issues can significantly impact mobility, making it difficult to perform everyday activities or even stay active. Knee braces have become an increasingly popular solution for seniors who want to prevent or manage these knee problems. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using knee braces, how they work, and what to consider when…

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Knee Pain Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide


Knee pain is a common complaint that can significantly impact daily activities and overall quality of life. Whether caused by injury, overuse, or underlying conditions, finding effective solutions to manage and alleviate knee pain is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies, treatments, exercises, and the role of knee braces in providing relief and support for individuals dealing with knee pain.   Causes of Knee Pain Knee pain can have various causes, ranging from acute injuries to chronic conditions. Common causes of knee pain include: Injuries: Sports-related injuries, falls, and accidents can lead to knee pain. These…

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Knee Braces: Your Ticket to a Pain-Free Journey


Knee pain can be a debilitating condition that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. Whether you’re an athlete recovering from an injury, a senior experiencing joint discomfort, or someone looking to enhance knee stability during physical activities, knee braces can offer significant relief. In this article, we will delve into the world of knee braces, exploring their benefits, different types, and how they can become your ticket to a pain-free journey.   Understanding Knee Braces and Their Benefits Knee braces are orthopaedic devices designed to provide support, stability, and pain relief to the knee joint. They work by redistributing…

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Easing the Strain: Discover the Best Elbow Braces for Tendonitis Relief


Dealing with tendonitis can be especially challenging for elderly individuals. Tendonitis can significantly impact their daily activities and quality of life. Finding relief from elbow tendonitis is crucial for maintaining mobility and independence. In this article, we will focus on elbow braces specifically designed for elderly individuals, exploring the different types, key features to consider and providing an overview of the best elbow braces available to ease the strain and promote tendonitis relief in the elderly population. What is Elbow Tendonitis? Elbow tendonitis, also known as tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis, is a common condition characterized by inflammation and micro-tearing…

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Straighten Up and Thrive: How Back Braces Support Posture


Maintaining good posture is crucial for a healthy spine and overall well-being. Unfortunately, many individuals suffer from poor posture and related discomfort due to sedentary lifestyles, long hours spent sitting at desks, and improper body mechanics. In recent years, back braces have gained popularity as a solution for correcting posture and alleviating back pain. This article explores the benefits of back braces, their effectiveness in improving posture, and how they can enhance your quality of life. Understanding the Importance of Good Posture Posture plays a vital role in maintaining spinal health and overall wellness. Proper spine alignment supports the body’s…

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Step into Confidence: The Ultimate Guide to Ankle Braces for Stability

Ankle, Braces

Ankle stability is essential for maintaining mobility and preventing injuries, especially during physical activities. Whether you’re an athlete looking to enhance performance or someone recovering from an ankle injury, finding the right ankle brace can provide the necessary support and confidence. In this ultimate guide, we will delve into the world of ankle braces, exploring their importance, different types, key features to consider, and top recommendations. Get ready to step into confidence and unlock your full potential! Understanding Ankle Braces Ankle braces are specialized devices designed to provide support and stability to the ankle joint. They are commonly used in…

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The Role of an Elbow Brace in Rehabilitation Following an Accident

Braces, Elbow

Injuries to the elbow joint can be incredibly painful and debilitating, leaving individuals unable to perform daily tasks or engage in physical activities they once enjoyed. Elbow injuries can occur due to a variety of reasons, including accidents, sports injuries, or repetitive motions. If you’ve recently experienced an elbow injury, your doctor or physical therapist may recommend wearing an elbow brace during your recovery. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using an elbow brace in rehabilitation following an accident and how it can aid in the recovery process.   Why Wear an Elbow Brace? An elbow brace…

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The Importance of Wearing a Back Brace Post-Surgery


Surgery can be a major event in a person’s life, and the road to recovery can be long and difficult. One important tool that can aid in the recovery process is a back brace. Whether you have undergone spinal surgery or any other type of surgery that affects your back, a back brace can provide much-needed support and stability to your spine. In this article, we will explore the importance of wearing a back brace post-surgery, the benefits it provides, and how to choose the right one for your needs. Why Wear a Back Brace Post-Surgery? There are several reasons…

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Knee Braces after Arthritis Surgery: What You Need to Know?


Knee arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. In severe cases, arthritis may require surgery to alleviate symptoms and restore joint function. However, recovery after arthritis surgery can be a long and challenging process. One tool that can aid in post-surgery recovery is a knee brace. In this article, we’ll explore how knee braces can help arthritis patients recover after surgery, the different types of knee braces available, and tips for choosing and using knee braces during recovery.   Why use a knee brace after arthritis surgery? Knee braces are a useful tool in aiding recovery…

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How Can a Back Brace Help You Recover from Surgery?


Undergoing surgery can be a daunting experience, both physically and mentally. While your doctor will prescribe medication to manage your pain, it’s common to experience discomfort in various parts of your body, including your back. A back brace can be a helpful tool in aiding your recovery process. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using a back brace after surgery and how it can help promote proper healing.   What is a back brace? A back brace is a medical device that supports the spine and limits the range of motion. It’s typically made of a combination of…

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Manage Your Glucose Levels with Reliable CGM Monitors


Managing glucose levels is essential for individuals with diabetes to maintain good health. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) has become a widely used tool for tracking glucose levels in real-time, allowing for better glucose management and improved overall health. Artik Medical Supply’s CGM monitors are trusted and reliable tools that can help individuals effectively manage their glucose levels, providing accurate and timely information for better decision-making. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Artik Medical Supply’s CGM monitors and how they can help individuals take control of their glucose levels for optimal health.   Understanding CGM Monitoring Continuous Glucose…

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Shoulder Pain Relief Made Easy with Shoulder Braces


Shoulder pain can significantly impact a person’s daily life, making simple tasks like lifting, reaching, and carrying objects challenging and painful. Whether it’s due to an injury, overuse, or a chronic condition, shoulder pain can be debilitating and affect one’s quality of life. Fortunately, Artik Medical Supply offers a solution to help individuals find relief from shoulder pain with their range of high-quality braces. In this article, we will explore how Artik Medical Supply’s braces can provide support and comfort for shoulder conditions, helping individuals regain their mobility and live pain-free. Understanding Shoulder Pain The shoulder joint is one of…

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Move with Confidence: Knee Braces for Active Lifestyles

Braces, Knee

Being physically active is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but it can also put stress on our joints, especially the knees. Whether you’re an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or simply enjoy outdoor activities, protecting your knees during physical activities is crucial to prevent injuries and maintain mobility. That’s where Artik Medical Supply’s knee braces come in. In this article, we will explore how Artik Medical Supply’s knee braces can help you move with confidence and enjoy an active lifestyle with comfort and support. Understanding the Importance of Knee Braces Our knees are complex joints that bear a significant amount of…

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Wrist Braces: Protect and Heal Your Wrists

Braces, Wrist

Wrist injuries are common and can cause significant pain and discomfort, impacting your ability to perform daily activities. Whether you’re an athlete, office worker, or simply someone who uses their wrists frequently, it’s crucial to take steps to protect and heal your wrists. Artik Medical Supply’s wrist braces offer effective solutions to support and safeguard your wrists, allowing you to recover from injuries and prevent further damage. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Artik Medical Supply’s wrist braces and how they can help protect and heal your wrists.   Understanding Wrist Injuries Before delving into the benefits…

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Say Goodbye to Back Pain with Effective Back Braces


Back pain is a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by various factors, such as poor posture, muscle strain, injury, or underlying medical conditions. Back pain can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, making simple tasks difficult and affecting their overall well-being. Fortunately, Artik Medical Supply offers effective back braces that can provide relief from back pain and discomfort. In this article, we will explore how Artik Medical Supply’s back braces can help individuals say goodbye to back pain and discover effective solutions for back pain relief. Understanding Back Pain To effectively address…

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Wrist Braces: Prevent Injuries and Promote Healing


The wrists are vital joints that play a crucial role in everyday activities, from typing on a keyboard to lifting weights at the gym. However, they are also susceptible to injuries, such as sprains, strains, and fractures, due to their complex anatomy and constant use. Injuries to the wrists can cause pain, discomfort, and limitations in daily tasks, affecting the quality of life. Artik Medical Supply understands the importance of wrist health and offers a range of wrist braces designed to prevent injuries and promote healing. With its high-quality wrist support products, Artik Medical Supply aims to provide effective solutions…

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Elbow Braces for Quick Relief and Recovery


Elbow injuries and conditions can be painful and debilitating, affecting our ability to perform everyday tasks and participate in physical activities. Whether it’s due to sports injuries, repetitive strain, or medical conditions like tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, finding effective solutions for relief and recovery is essential. Artik Medical Supply’s elbow braces offer a comprehensive and reliable solution for individuals seeking quick relief and recovery from elbow injuries or conditions. In this article, we will delve into the features and benefits of Artik Medical Supply’s elbow braces, how they work, and why they are a top choice for many individuals…

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Ankle Braces for Arthritis: Enjoy the Benefits of Pain-Free Movement


Arthritis is a debilitating condition that affects people of all ages and genders, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the joints wears down over time. Rheumatoid arthritis is another form that occurs when the immune system attacks the joints, causing inflammation and damage. Regardless of the type of arthritis, the impact on daily life can be significant. Everyday tasks such as walking, climbing stairs, and even getting dressed can become a struggle. This is where ankle braces can improve mobility and reduce…

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Wrist Braces for Comfortable Typing: Ergonomic Solutions for Older Adults


As we age, many of us experience joint pain, stiffness, and other physical limitations that can make daily tasks, like typing, uncomfortable. Typing can be especially difficult for older adults who spend a lot of time on the computer. Comfortable typing is important not only for productivity but also for overall well-being. One solution for comfortable typing is wrist braces. Wrist braces can provide support and help alleviate pain, making typing more comfortable for older adults. Wrist braces can also help prevent typing-related injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Artik Medical Supply is a company that specializes in providing ergonomic…

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CGM Monitors : Monitor Your Glucose Levels with Confidence


Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people around the world. One of the key aspects of managing diabetes is monitoring glucose levels regularly to ensure they are within a healthy range. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) has revolutionized diabetes management by providing real-time, accurate, and convenient glucose level monitoring. Artik Medical Supply’s CGM monitors are cutting-edge devices that offer advanced features, reliability, and accuracy, empowering individuals with diabetes to monitor their glucose levels with confidence. In this article, we will explore the benefits and features of Artik Medical Supply’s CGM monitors, how they work, and why they are…

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Get Back on Your Feet with Ankle Braces

Ankle, Braces

When it comes to recovering from an ankle injury, having the right support is crucial. Artik Medical Supply’s ankle braces are designed to provide the ultimate support and stability needed to get back on your feet with confidence. Whether you’re an athlete looking to return to the game or someone recovering from a sprain or strain, Artik Medical Supply’s ankle braces are designed to aid in the healing process and help you regain your mobility. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Artik Medical Supply’s ankle braces and how they can help you on your road to…

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Alleviate Back Discomfort with Effective Back Braces


Optimal Support for Back Pain Relief Back discomfort, whether caused by injury, muscle strain, or chronic conditions, can significantly impact one’s daily life. It can affect mobility, productivity, and overall well-being. For individuals seeking relief from back discomfort, Artik Medical Supply offers a solution in the form of effective back braces. With a wide range of options designed to provide support and alleviate pain, Artik Medical Supply’s back braces are a trusted choice for those in need of reliable and effective solutions. Understanding the Importance of Back Braces Back braces, also known as lumbar supports or back supports, are specially…

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Shoulder Braces for a Pain-Free Lifestyle


Shoulder pain can be debilitating, limiting our ability to perform daily tasks and enjoy an active lifestyle. Whether it’s due to an injury, overuse, or a medical condition, finding effective pain relief and support for the shoulder is crucial. This is where Artik Medical Supply’s Shoulder Braces come into play. With their high-quality and innovative designs, Artik Medical Supply’s Shoulder Braces are specifically crafted to provide comfort, stability, and relief to those suffering from shoulder pain. In this article, we will explore Artik Medical Supply’s Shoulder Braces in detail, discussing their features, benefits, and how they can help achieve a…

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Hip Braces for Enhanced Mobility and Comfort: Artik Medical Supply Has You Covered


Hip discomfort and limited mobility can significantly impact one’s quality of life, making everyday activities challenging and uncomfortable. Whether you’re dealing with hip pain due to an injury, arthritis, or other conditions, finding effective solutions to improve mobility and comfort is crucial. This is where hip braces from Artik Medical Supply come in. With their high-quality hip braces, Artik Medical Supply aims to provide individuals with the support they need to enhance their mobility and enjoy a more comfortable, active lifestyle.   In this article, we will explore the benefits of hip braces, how they work, and why Artik Medical…

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Shoulder Braces: A Solution for Rotator Cuff Injuries and Frozen Shoulders in Seniors

Braces, Shoulder

Shoulder pain is common among seniors, often caused by rotator cuff injuries or frozen shoulders. These conditions can greatly impact a senior’s quality of life, making everyday tasks challenging and painful. Fortunately, Artik Medical Supply offers shoulder braces that provide a solution for seniors with these injuries. These medical-grade devices offer support, pain relief, and rehabilitation, helping seniors maintain their independence and overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of shoulder braces for seniors and how Artik’s products can help alleviate the discomfort of rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulders. Understanding Rotator Cuff Injuries and Frozen Shoulders Rotator…

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Post-Surgery Hip Rehabilitation Made Easy with Hip Braces

Braces, Health

Hip surgery is a medical procedure that involves replacing or repairing damaged hip joints. This type of surgery is typically done to alleviate pain and improve mobility in patients who suffer from hip-related conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or fractures. After hip surgery, patients undergo a period of post-surgery rehabilitation to regain strength and mobility in the hip joint.   Hip braces are an important component of post-surgery rehabilitation for patients who have undergone hip surgery. These braces provide support to the hip joint, limit movement, and prevent further damage or injury during the healing process. Hip braces also…

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Coping with Chronic Knee Pain: Knee Braces for Older Adults

Health, Knee

Chronic knee pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages, but it is especially prevalent among older adults. A variety of factors, such as arthritis, injury, or overuse, can cause it. Chronic knee pain can significantly affect a person’s quality of life, limiting their ability to perform daily activities and reducing their overall mobility. Knee braces are an effective solution for managing chronic knee pain. They provide support, stability, and compression to the knee joint, which can help alleviate pain and prevent further damage. Knee braces can also be worn during physical activity to protect the knee…

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CGM Monitors: The Ultimate Guide for Seniors


As we age, our bodies undergo changes that can increase the risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Older adults are particularly vulnerable to the complications of diabetes, including vision problems, nerve damage, and heart disease. To manage diabetes effectively, it is crucial to monitor blood sugar levels regularly. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is an innovative technology that allows people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels in real time without frequent finger pricks.   Artik Medical Supply is a leading provider of CGM monitors for older…

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Prevent Injury with Knee Braces for Seniors


As we age, our bodies go through changes that can increase the risk of knee injuries and limit mobility. Whether it’s due to arthritis, weakened muscles, or the natural aging process, knee pain, and discomfort can significantly impact a senior’s quality of life. That’s why maintaining good knee health is crucial for seniors who want to stay active and independent. Knee braces are a popular and effective way to prevent injury and improve knee health.   At Artik Medical Supply, we offer a wide range of knee braces designed specifically for seniors, including hinged knee braces, compression knee sleeves, neoprene…

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Elbow Ailments No More: Discover Elbow Braces


Elbow injuries and conditions, such as tennis elbow, bursitis, and arthritis, are common among older adults. These conditions can cause pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility, making it difficult for seniors to carry out everyday activities. Finding effective solutions for elbow pain relief is crucial for seniors to maintain their independence and quality of life. One potential solution for elbow pain relief is the use of elbow braces. Elbow braces can support and stabilize the elbow joint, reducing pain and improving mobility. They can also help prevent further injury and promote faster healing. In this article, we will explore the benefits…

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Stay Active & Injury-Free: Shoulder Braces for Seniors

Braces, Shoulder

As we age, it’s important to maintain physical activity to stay healthy and prevent a range of health problems. However, many seniors are at risk of developing shoulder injuries, which can limit their ability to engage in physical activity and reduce their quality of life. In fact, shoulder injuries are a common problem in older adults due to a combination of factors, including wear and tear, overuse, and underlying medical conditions. Fortunately, shoulder braces can play an important role in preventing and rehabilitating shoulder injuries in seniors. By providing support to the shoulder joint and muscles, shoulder braces can help…

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Better Diabetes Control with CGM Monitors: Go Stripeless


Managing diabetes can be a challenging task, but it is essential for maintaining overall health and preventing complications. One of the most critical aspects of diabetes management is monitoring blood glucose levels regularly. Traditionally, people with diabetes have used fingerstick blood glucose monitoring to keep track of their glucose levels. However, this method only provides a snapshot of glucose levels at a particular moment in time.   Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) has become increasingly popular in recent years. CGM systems provide continuous glucose data throughout the day and night, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of glucose patterns and…

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Improve Your Posture with Back Braces: A Review for Seniors


As we age, our bodies undergo a lot of changes, including changes in our posture. Poor posture can lead to discomfort, pain, and decreased mobility, which can significantly impact our quality of life. Seniors, in particular, are at risk of developing poor posture due to age-related issues such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and muscle weakness. However, there are solutions to help improve posture and reduce pain, one of which is the use of back braces. Artik Medical Supply is a medical supplier that offers a range of back braces specifically designed to support seniors and improve their posture. These braces are…

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Ankle Braces: Helping Seniors Prevent and Recover from Sprains and Strains

Ankle, Braces

Ankle sprains and strains are common injuries that affect people of all ages, but they are particularly prevalent among seniors. As we age, our joints become less flexible, and our bones and ligaments become more fragile, making us more susceptible to injuries like ankle sprains and strains. These injuries can be painful and can limit mobility, which can be particularly challenging for seniors who may already have difficulty with balance and movement. Fortunately, ankle braces can be an effective tool for both preventing and recovering from ankle injuries. Ankle braces provide support and stability to the ankle joint, which can…

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How Back Braces Help Improve Posture in Seniors?


As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact our posture and overall health. Poor posture can lead to a variety of health problems, including back pain, muscle weakness, and decreased mobility. However, seniors can improve their posture and overall health by using back braces. In this article, we’ll explore how back braces can help seniors improve their posture, the benefits of using them, and how to choose the right one. We’ll also provide tips on wearing back braces and other tools that seniors can use to enhance their posture and well-being. Why Back Braces Can Help Improve…

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Medicare-Approved Glucose Monitors for Seniors


As we age, it becomes increasingly important to monitor our health and manage chronic conditions. For seniors with diabetes, monitoring blood sugar levels is crucial to prevent complications and maintain overall health. Fortunately, Medicare provides coverage for glucose monitors, making it easier for seniors to access the tools they need to manage their diabetes. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of glucose monitoring for seniors with diabetes and discuss Medicare coverage for glucose monitors. We’ll also provide helpful tips and insights to help seniors choose the right glucose monitor for their needs. Medicare coverage for glucose monitors Medicare provides…

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Hip Braces for Seniors: What Are They, And Do You Need One?


As we age, our bones and joints become more susceptible to wear and tear, making us more prone to injuries and conditions such as osteoarthritis, hip fractures, bursitis, and tendinitis. These conditions can cause discomfort, pain, and reduced mobility, which can have a significant impact on our quality of life. Hip braces for seniors are specifically designed to provide support and stability to the hip joint, alleviate pain, and improve mobility. They are an effective non-surgical treatment option for seniors with hip-related conditions. In this article, we will explore the importance of hip support braces for seniors and provide an…

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The Best Elbow Brace for Seniors


As we age, our joints and muscles become more prone to pain and injury. This is especially true for the elbow, which can be easily strained or damaged through repetitive motions or overuse. That’s why elbow support is crucial for seniors who want to maintain their active lifestyles and protect themselves from any additional injuries. One effective way to provide this support is through the use of an elbow brace. Elbow braces are designed to reduce pain and inflammation, provide stability, and prevent further damage to the elbow joint. They can also improve circulation and enhance proprioception, which is the…

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How The Newest Glucose Monitors Can Help Seniors Stay Active and Independent


As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes, and many older adults find themselves grappling with chronic health conditions like diabetes. Managing diabetes in seniors is crucial for maintaining good health and quality of life. Fortunately, with the latest glucose monitoring technology, seniors with diabetes can stay active and independent while keeping their blood sugar levels in check. At Artik Medical Supply, we’re dedicated to providing seniors with the latest and most innovative glucose monitoring devices on the market. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of managing diabetes in older adults and how Artik’s glucose monitors can help…

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The Ultimate Guide: Best Knee Brace for You

Braces, Knee

As we age, our bodies go through various changes, and one of the most common issues that seniors face is knee pain. Knee pain can significantly impact a senior’s quality of life, making it difficult to perform daily activities and even leading to mobility issues. Fortunately, knee braces can help alleviate pain, provide support, and improve mobility, making them an essential healthcare product for seniors. However, not all knee braces are created equal, and it’s important to choose the right one to ensure maximum relief and comfort. This is where Artik Medical Supply comes in – a company dedicated to…

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Back Brace Benefits: Say Goodbye to Senior Pain

Braces, Back

As we age, our bodies go through various changes, and unfortunately, one common issue that many seniors face is back pain. Whether it’s due to arthritis, muscle strains, or other conditions, back pain can greatly impact one’s quality of life. Fortunately, options are available to help alleviate this discomfort, such as back braces. Back braces provide support and stability to the spine and can help reduce pain and discomfort for seniors. In addition to offering physical support, they can also help improve posture and prevent further injury. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using back braces for seniors…

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Discover the Perfect Hip Braces for Adults


Hip pain and discomfort is a common issues among seniors, often resulting from conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, and hip fractures. While there are several treatment options available, wearing a hip brace is one effective way to alleviate pain and improve mobility. A hip brace can provide targeted compression and support to the hip joint, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the best hip braces for seniors. We will review the top products available in the market and discuss the key factors to consider when choosing a hip brace. Additionally, we…

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Senior Fitness Secrets: Stay Active with Knee Pain

Back, Knee

As we age, it’s common to experience aches and pains in various parts of our bodies. Knee pain is a common complaint among seniors, which can significantly limit their ability to stay active. Staying active is important for seniors’ overall health and well-being, as it can improve physical function, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mood and cognition. Fortunately, there are several ways seniors can manage knee pain and stay active. In this article, we will discuss the causes of knee pain in seniors, the importance of seeking medical advice before starting an exercise program, low-impact strength and…

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Medicare Braces: Find Out If You’re Covered


The elbow is the joint on the body that is less prone to pain caused by wear and tear. When pain does occur, it’s likely due to overuse, arthritis, or a serious injury. Several sports, jobs, or hobbies that involve repetitive wrist or arm movements can lead to elbow pain. Since three bones come together at the elbow joint, elbow pain may involve arm muscles, elbow ligaments, tendons, bones, and bursae. To ease pain and discomfort, medical grade elbow braces can provide stability and help you recover from injury. When it comes to elbow braces, Medicare offers coverage for certain…

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Blood Sugar Monitor Guide: Take Control Now

Health, Orthotic Devices

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are a tool for managing diabetes. They provide up-to-date information on how your body is responding to meals, exercise, medications, and other lifestyle influences. CGMs measure glucose levels in the fluid under your skin and give you real-time feedback that can help you make better decisions about how to take care of yourself. Here’s how you can use them properly to get the most out of this helpful technology. What Is Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)? Monitoring your blood glucose levels has become a whole lot easier with CGM technology. With this cutting-edge device, you can keep…

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Find Your Perfect Fit: Best Back Brace for Seniors

Braces, Back

Our bodies become more prone to back pain and injury as we age. Back pain affects as much as 80% of the population, and while some can heal naturally, many develop a chronic issue that can impair their regular routines. Joint degeneration in the spine makes adults over 50 more likely to experience back problems, with osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis being two of the most typical sources of this type of discomfort. There are ways to find relief if you’re suffering from minor to moderate back pain. Many older adults find that a back brace can help them keep their…

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Back Brace Covered by Medicare: Unlock Benefits

Back, Braces

Back pain can result from an accident or simply due to wear and tear on your spine over time. This discomfort can be worsened by unhealthy habits like overeating, smoking, and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, individuals with conditions such as osteoporosis may be more vulnerable to fractures in the vertebrae of their spines. Fortunately, Medicare beneficiaries suffering from back issues qualify for coverage of a supportive back brace. Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides coverage for a wide range of healthcare services, including medical devices and supplies like back braces. However, the amount of coverage provided…

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Knee Braces Covered by Medicare: Check Eligibility

Braces, Knee

If you’re an older adult and need a knee brace, then you might be wondering if Medicare will cover the cost. The good news is that Medicare does cover knee braces. However, some criteria must be met to qualify for coverage. Let’s look at what those criteria are and how you can determine your eligibility. How Does Medicare Cover Knee Braces? First, knowing what kind of knee braces Medicare will cover is essential. Generally speaking, Medicare covers braces that are considered medically necessary to treat specific conditions such as arthritis or other joint-related issues. These include off-the-shelf braces and custom-fitted…

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Hip Brace Eligibility: Is It Covered by Medicare?


If you’re an older adult experiencing hip pain, you may wonder if Medicare will cover the cost of a hip brace. A hip brace is an orthotic device used to support and stabilize the hips and relieve pain or discomfort caused by arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, or other conditions. It can also be used as a preventative measure for those at risk of developing hip issues. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at whether Medicare will cover the cost of a hip brace. Uncovering the Causes of Hip Pain Hip pain can arise from a wide range of causes,…

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Unlocking Coverage: Medicare & Back Braces


Back pain affects millions of people; one way to get relief is through a back brace. If you have Medicare, you might wonder how often they will cover the cost of a back brace. Let’s take a look at the specifics of what Medicare covers when it comes to back braces so you can make an informed decision about whether or not a back brace is right for you. Why Should You Consider a Back Brace With Medicare? With Medicare-approved back braces, you can rest assured that your body is receiving the support it needs for injury recovery and overall…

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Ultimate Guide: Caring for Your Orthotic Devices

Orthotic Devices

Orthotic devices are a great way to help relieve pain and provide comfort and stability while you are on the go. Orthotic devices provide support to your joints. Proper use and care of these devices are incredibly important for their longevity and effectiveness. But did you know that if your orthotics aren’t properly cared for, they can become ineffective and cause more harm than good? When used and cared for properly, orthotic devices can provide a world of relief to those suffering from joint-related ailments. In this blog post, we will discuss how to look after your orthotic devices so…

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Neck Pain Causes Unveiled: Brace for Relief


Neck pain can be caused by various factors, from poor posture to age-related wear and tear. While neck pain is often temporary, it can sometimes be long-lasting or even chronic if not treated properly. A neck brace is an effective device for addressing neck pain and reducing its intensity over time. In the event of neck pain, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional before attempting any type of treatment. Depending on its severity and causes, neck pain may require medication or physical therapy to address its underlying source. Neck braces help reduce strain on the neck by adequately…

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Back Pain Relief: The Power of Orthotics Unveiled


As time passes, we often forget how precious physical fitness is. Yet when age takes its toll and causes us to stumble, struggle, or even impair mobility altogether, then it becomes abundantly clear just how important posture and fitness are for day-to-day life. That’s why now, more than ever, it’s essential to be aware of potential issues and actively maintain a balanced way of living! Taking preventative steps today can make all the difference in preserving your health tomorrow. Orthotics are medical devices that help support several parts of the body, such as the feet, ankles, knees, shoulders, hips, and…

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How Orthotics Help Reduce Back Pain?

Braces, Foot

Back pain is a severe issue that can create more problems if the root cause is not treated. Nearly 65 million Americans have reported issues with back pain, and 16 million have chronic back pain. This can limit your daily activities, impact your mood, and reduce your quality of life if left untreated. If you have had back pain for more than two weeks, it’s time for medical intervention. One of the most influential and non-invasive methods to treat back pain is custom orthotics.  Orthotics are specialized shoe inserts that are designed to help reduce back pain and other common…

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Regain Your Life: Discover the Power of Balance Braces


Balance braces are a relatively new type of orthotic device that has gained popularity in recent years. These braces work by providing support and stability to the joints, helping patients achieve better balance and control over their movements. With the help of balance braces, many people have been able to get their lives back after suffering from balance problems. They can be worn discreetly under clothing or incorporated into specialized footwear, making them easy to use and comfortable to wear. Balance braces are a type of medical device used to treat various conditions and injuries that affect our balance and…

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Insider’s Guide: Orthotics Covered by Insurance


Orthotics are custom-fitted inserts designed to cushion and support the foot while redistributing energy during motion. They limit excessive movement and realign foot joints when standing or walking. Orthotics are prescribed to treat various foot conditions, including diabetic neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, overpronation, and many others. Orthotics are made by a podiatrist who conducts a foot evaluation so the orthotic can be custom-fitted to the foot.  The podiatrist can send a foot impression kit where a physical assessment is impossible. Orthotics come at a cost, usually between $200 and $800. While they are effective, they are pricey, especially custom…

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Arthritis Relief: The Benefits of Orthopedic Braces


Here I am going to show you the benefits of orthopedic Braces for arthritis. When an injury affects your feet, ankles, knees, hips, or lower back, it can produce a chain reaction of changes. These changes can affect how you walk, sit, stand, and move. With every adjustment your body makes to avoid pain or compensate for an injured body part, the potential to make the problem worse or cause new problems arises. Arthritis is one of the most common ailments in the world. It affects a large number of older people and can, in some cases, be extremely debilitating.…

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Thanksgiving Delights: Healthy Food for Seniors


Thanksgiving is a holiday centered on expressing gratitude, and it is also known as a day for indulging in a feast. From mashed potatoes to turkey to pies, the foods typically served on Thanksgiving can be rich and heavy. While these kinds of foods can be satisfactorily filling, they are not always the most nutritious options and are sometimes not ideal for elderly individuals. Seniors who need as much nutrition as they can often fail to focus on the more nutritious dishes available during Thanksgiving. As people age, nutritional needs change. Seniors often do not have the strength and health…

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Secrets Revealed for Sprained Ankle Recovery


A sprained ankle happens when you hurt one or more of the ligaments around your ankle joint. Your ankle may be painful and swollen, and you may find it hard to move your foot. An ankle sprain can be very painful, but the good news is that most heal well without any issues. With simple self-care advice, most people get better after a few weeks and return to their normal activities in a few months. What Is a Sprained Ankle? An ankle sprain occurs when the ankle twists unnaturally, distressing the joint’s ligaments and causing pain and swelling. There are…

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Back Pain Savior: The Power of Back Braces Unveiled


Back Pain problems are a common cause of chronic pain, but they do not always respond to conventional treatment methods. Back braces may offer an effective solution for those looking for long-term support and pain relief. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, back pain affects roughly 50 million adults in the US. While mild, occasional pain (especially in the lower back) is common, some people suffer from chronic pain that interferes with their daily activities. This can impact your mood, affect your work performance, and reduce your quality of life if left untreated. A publication in the…

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Shoulder Pain Relief with the Best Shoulder Braces


In this article, we discuss the potential causes of shoulder pain, such as shoulder arthritis, as well as the shoulder braces that will provide pain relief. The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body and it’s made up of three main bones: the humerus, scapular, and clavicle. They work together with the muscles and ligaments to keep the shoulder stable and mobile. However, the high level of mobility at the joint makes the shoulder highly susceptible to injury and subluxation. There are many types of shoulder injuries you can experience. Pain could be stemming from a dislocation,…

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Knee Bracing Benefits: Unlock the Power Now


Knee (Knee Bracing) Osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Roughly 250 million people are affected by knee OA, and about 14 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with it in the past 20 years. OA of the knee is commonly known as wear and tear arthritis and usually affects one side of the knee more than the other. This wear and tear can throw knee alignment off, resulting in a knock knee or bow leg appearance. Medial OA knee pain refers to pain on the inside of the knee joint and is usually associated with…

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